The Banyans Health and Wellness offers a highly experienced, qualified suite of medical and therapeutic services.

Our team of medical specialists, psychiatrists, exercise professionals and support staff are highly qualified in the treatment of depression and anxiety, chronic stress and burnout, drug and alcohol dependency and addiction, eating disorders, and a variety of additional conditions.


Medical Team


Allied Health and Therapy Team


Nursing Team

Gillian Baker-Murphy
Registered Nurse
Tanya Beukes
Registered Nurse
Monique Griffiths
Enrolled Nurse
Anna Vecchiet
Enrolled Nurse


Wellness Coaches

Intake Team

Photo of Edward Evesson The Banyans Intake Consultant
Edward Evesson
Intake Manager
Photo of Charles Devine The Banyans Intake Consultant
Charles Devine
Intake Consultant
Gus Wauchope
Intake Consultant


Management and Operations Team


Our Partners

Andrew Stone is a business coach at The Banyans
Andrew Stone
Business Coach
John Larkin
Associate Clinician | Certified Sex Addiction Therapist
Pele Ramdhani
Senior Leadership and Global Development Consultant
Massage therapy at The Banyans
Stephanie’s Spa


and over 30 additional professional partners and support staff.