BHlthSc (NutrMed), PGradDipBus
Tammy works as a clinical nutritionist with specific interests in metabolic conditions (in particular, metabolic syndrome and pre-diabetes), functional gastro-intestinal disorders and nutrition for mental health. Tammy’s work combines an understanding of how the pathophysiology of illness interacts with the biochemistry of nutrition. Working with specialist testing results, pathology, current medications and co-occurring health conditions, Tammy provides personalised, evidence-based nutrition plans for patients.
Tammy considers it a privilege to be invited to share in the change process for patients and loves to see increasing education and awareness about nutrition for mental health and the interaction between the digestive system and the brain. When not working with clients or writing nutritious recipes, you can find Tammy hiking with her family.
Tammy is registered with the Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA).