Stress can be defined as your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. Stress can affect people of any age and gender and is mainly a physical reaction.

Tailored programs for chronic at The Banyans focus on restoring your health and wellbeing, while equipping you with coping mechanisms and tools for the future.

When a person is stressed, the body perceives it to be under attack and reacts accordingly by releasing a combination of hormones and chemicals such as adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine. These hormones and chemicals prepare the body for physical action and result in an increased heart rate, tightening of muscles, increased metabolism and sharper senses. Also known as ‘fight or flight’, these physical changes increase one’s strength and stamina, and can enhance the senses, which is the body’s way of protecting you from harm.

Stress can be beneficial, producing a much-needed energy boost to assist you to meet difficult challenges such as deadlines, presentations and exams. However, too much stress can have negative health consequences both physically and psychologically. When blood flow is focused only on the important muscles needed to ‘fight or flight’, brain function is hindered and leads to an inability to make rational decisions. Excessive stress also adversely affects the immune, cardiovascular and central nervous systems.

The problem is that many people’s lives are full of stressful events. Stress can be caused by any external or internal pressures on a person. Normally stress is perceived to be negative, such as an exhaustive work load or difficult relationships, however positive events such as buying a house, getting married, or receiving a promotion can also cause stress.


A guest at The Banyans rehab for chronic stress


The Symptoms of Chronic Stress

Chronic stress is simply stress which is constant and persists over a long period of time, which can occur in response to everyday stressors that are ignored or poorly managed, along with traumatic life experiences. It can have debilitating effects both physically and psychologically by causing a multitude of problems such as muscle pain, high blood pressure, anxiety, a weakened immune system and insomnia. Research has shown that several major illnesses such as heart disease, obesity and depression are a result of chronic stress.

The following list contains common symptoms and warning signs of chronic stress:

Cognitive Symptoms

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Poor judgement
  • Memory related issues
  • Anxiety

Physical Symptoms

  • Nausea and dizziness
  • General aches and pains
  • Chest pain
  • Loss of libido
  • Frequently sick

Behavioural symptoms

  • Eating too much or loss of appetite
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Isolation from family and friends
  • Increased use of alcohol and drugs


Fortunately, it is possible to treat chronic stress and increase overall health. If chronic stress persists, it’s important to seek professional support to help you manage stress effectively and identify the issues in your life which are contributing to your high stress levels.

Chronic Stress Treatment

At The Banyans, we take a holistic approach to treating chronic stress. While staying at our luxury wellness retreat, and working with our multidisciplinary team of industry-leading health practitioners, you can develop the tools and strategies you need to recover from chronic stress.

Because we work holistically, in addition to psychology and various therapies, we also build in physical therapy and other emotional health therapies. These can include creative classes, directed reading, reflective journaling, as well as forest bathing, yoga and other physical exercise. Exercise increases your energy and concentration and releases endorphins which reduce stress-related hormones. Nutritional therapy is also an imperative part of your stay to ensure you’re getting the right nutrients in your diet for overcoming chronic stress


A woman on a balcony at The Banyans rehabilitation centre for chronic stress


  • Luxury residential wellness facility with an industry-equipped gym, magnesium infinity pool, recreational area, and private guest suites, perfect for recovering from chronic stress.*
  • Multidisciplinary therapeutic program including medical support, psychological and emotional therapy, nutrition, exercise, yoga and recreation.*
  • Beautiful serene surroundings encourage rest, relaxation and recalibration of the whole self.*
  • Holistic approach to therapy equips individuals with the skills and strategies for long-term management and recovery.
  • ‘One-on-one’ treatment for focused recovery, guaranteed privacy and confidentiality.
  • Multidisciplinary team work collaboratively providing wrap-around care for each guest.
  • Psychiatry and psychology sessions facilitate deep insight into underlying factors contributing to mental health conditions with tools for ongoing treatment.
  • Psychiatrists and medical specialists provide support and supervision of medication changes. Medications are closely monitored and altered if necessary.
  • Regular sessions with multiple therapists and modalities to ensure strong therapeutic relationships and benefits, spanning psychology, nutrition and physical exercise.
  • Advanced genetic testing underlies individually designed nutritional plans based on deficiencies, intolerances and preferences*
  • Regular sessions with registered psychologists and degree-qualified health practitioners including nutritionist/dietitian, equine therapist*, yoga therapist, exercise physiologist, and art therapist*.
  • 24/7 support staff trained in mental health first aid. Round-the-clock support staff for emotional support*.
  • Onsite nurses, chefs and support staff*.

      *Depends on program selected.


Therapies for Chronic Stress


Medical Support

Regular consultations with General Practitioners, Psychiatrists & Registered Nurses.

Psychological Therapies

Regular psychological therapy with degree-qualified professionals to address underlying causes of your experience.

Emotional Therapies

Engage in evidence-based & emerging therapies, including equine-assisted therapy, art therapy & neurologic music therapy.

Physical Therapies

Tailored sessions with your exercise physiologist and yoga therapist, and swim in our infinity magnesium pool.

Nutritional Therapies

Personalised nutrition plan and supplement regime developed by a qualified nutritionist & based on advanced testing.


Our Chronic Stress Treatment Team

Image of the Banyans depression treatment team



Chronic Stress Programs at The Banyans

When experiencing the debilitating effects of chronic stress, it’s vital to seek professional help to gain the necessary guidance and support to effectively manage these overwhelming feelings before they worsen. The Banyans programs for chronic stress offer a team of multidisciplinary health practitioners who work collaboratively to provide ‘wrap-around’ care for each guest. Our ‘one-on-one’ approach to therapy means our programs are focused and intensive while offering guaranteed privacy and confidentiality.


A guest receiving treatment for chronic stress by a psychologist at The Banyans


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Onsite psychiatrist and medical specialist for thorough medical support and supervision

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Daily therapeutic appointments with psychologists, ancillary therapists and support staff

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24/7 support from trained mental health staff ensures safety, security and care

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Focused, personalised treatment to ensure effective, measurable results

24/7 Support Staff & Onsite Nursing

Onsite nursing and 24/7 support staff ensure that physical health symptoms, such as dizziness, lethargy, shortness of breath, and chest pain, are monitored and treated accordingly throughout your residential stay. Recovery from chronic stress can take time and needs intentional support and care.

Image of nurse and patient at during program for chronic stress

Psychological & Emotional Therapies

Psychological and emotional therapies are vital for those recovering from chronic stress, and regular consultations with a psychologist at The Banyans will enable clear identification of the drivers behind your experiences and the underlying personal values. Incorporating music therapy, art therapy, and equine therapy allows guests to achieve a deeper understanding and create a path forward.

Exercise Physiology & Yoga Therapy

Exercise and yoga therapies are also essential for individuals experiencing burnout. Physical exercise has been shown to play a significant role in stress relief, emotional regulation, and improved sleep. Meditation and deep breathing incorporated into yoga further encourage emotional and psychological benefits.

A woman practicing yoga as part of her chronic stress treatment program at The Banyans

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is another well-known method of stress relief and makes for an excellent holistic treatment for chronic stress recovery. At The Banyans, guests engage in regular massage or steam sessions at the luxury spa facility, Stephanie’s Spa.

A guest enjoying massage therapy as part of The Banyans chronic stress recovery program

Individual, Private & Luxury Suites

The therapeutic aspect of the program is rich and intensive, and guests recovering from burnout can rest and recharge in luxury, whether in their private suites, outdoor recreation spaces, or beautiful common areas.

Image of The Banyans individual, private, luxury suites for guests recovering from chronic stress

Discover Our Rehab Programs

Residential Programs

Image of The Banyans luxury rehab residential program

Tailored treatment plans delivered entirely one-on-one for focused recovery. Treating mental health, addiction & eating disorder concerns.

Live-in treatment up to 12 weeks

Brisbane hinterland

Multidisciplinary team, evidence-based program

Day Programs

Image of The Banyans luxury rehab day program for mental health and addiction

Flexible & focused programs to prioritise your wellbeing while balancing life. Treating mental health, addiction, eating disorders & workplace wellbeing.

1 day per week, up to 8 weeks

Bowen Hills Luxury Facility

Multidisciplinary team, evidence-based program

Online Programs

The Banyans Online Program

Gain access to The Banyans industry-leading programs from anywhere in the world via our digitally delivered Online Programs.

Flexible schedule over 14 – 28 days 

Anywhere in the world

Multidisciplinary team, evidence-based program

NDIS Programs

Short-term accommodation, respite & therapy with allied health practitioners. Working together with participants & their support teams to achieve program goals.

Short-term accommodation & respite up to 2 weeks

Brisbane hinterland

For plan-managed and self-managed NDIS participants

Residential Programs

Tailored treatment plans delivered entirely one-on-one for focused recovery. Treating mental health, addiction & eating disorder concerns.

Image of The Banyans luxury rehab residential program

Live-in treatment up to 12 weeks

Brisbane hinterland

Multidisciplinary team, evidence-based program

Day Programs

Flexible & focused programs to prioritise your wellbeing while balancing life. Treating mental health, addiction, eating disorders & workplace wellbeing.

Image of The Banyans luxury rehab day program for mental health and addiction

1 day per week, up to 8 weeks

Bowen Hills Luxury Facility

Multidisciplinary team, evidence-based program

Online Programs

Gain access to The Banyans industry-leading programs from anywhere in the world via our digitally delivered Online Programs.

The Banyans Online Program

Flexible schedule over 14 – 28 days 

Anywhere in the world

Multidisciplinary team, evidence-based program

NDIS Programs

Short-term accommodation, respite & therapy with allied health practitioners. Working together with participants & their support teams to achieve program goals.

Photo of The Banyans NDIS program psychologist

Short-term accommodation & respite up to 2 weeks

Brisbane hinterland

For plan-managed and self-managed NDIS participants

Have questions? Talk to our expert team

The Banyans' Difference

Providing health and medical excellence.

We exist to help you achieve measurable change

Programs customised one-on-one, delivered by our registered practitioners

Receive more treatment faster, so you can get back to life and health sooner

Get well in an environment of excellence, supported by medical professionals

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“It was a wonderful challenging, incredible journey, one which literally saved my life. It gave me not just a reason to keep going but to look forward to a much fuller, enriching life ahead. I found myself here. Through all the facets of the program I discovered myself again and found what I truly value.”


Helpful Resources for Chronic Stress

The Banyans team have created a number of helpful resources below to assist if you think you, or a loved one, are experiencing chronic stress challenges.



Ebook | 5 Day Stress-Less Challenge

Gain insights into the underlying causes of your persistent stress and reclaim joy in your life.


Ebook | 5 Stress & Anxiety Strategies Psychologists Want You to Know

Developed by qualified psychologists, this e-book goes through five actionable strategies you can implement to manage stress and anxiety in your life.


Rehab Checklist

There are a number of critical considerations when choosing a rehabilitation program. The Banyans understands this, and our team has created a checklist to help you ask the most important questions when choosing the most effective program for your needs.


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The Next Steps


Make an enquiry on +61 1300 226 926 or using the form below.


Speak with our Intake Team to discuss your needs, concerns and desired program.


Complete an Intake Assessment and secure your program.


Begin your program at The Banyans Health Plus and experience exceptional treatment and outcomes-focused care.

Recovering from chronic stress is possible. With the right strategies and tools, individuals can make measurable and lasting change to overcome chronic stress.