Forbes Magazine is not considered the kind of publication that throws around fluffy, feel-good ideas. Rather the New Jersey based American business magazine tends to publish content that is more about finance, industry, investing, technology, communications, science, and law.

The Forbes article, 5 Reasons Executives Should Schedule A Massage Today, reported the business benefits of executives receiving massages as follows.

  1. Massage can help spark creative ideas.
  1. Massage can help reduce pain and even boost your immune system.
  1. Massage can help increase your productivity.
  1. Massage can help you sleep better.
  1. Massage can reduce stress symptoms

When Forbes begins extolling the business benefits of a massage, it behoves those in business to read further.

Dr Tiffany Field, PhD, is the founder of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine, the first major center devoted to studying the healing potential of touch.

In an interview with Move Magazine, Dr Tiffany Field, PhD, outlined some of the health and wellness benefits of massage, including improvements for those who suffer from pain.

Dr Field explains:

In a review of research on the topic, we determined that massage therapy lowers cortisol, a hormone that’s produced in response to stress, by an average of 31 percent. And when cortisol levels decline, serotonin, one of the body’s antipain mechanisms, increases. In our review, serotonin grew by an average of 28 percent after massage therapy. So by lowering cortisol, you boost your ability to fend off pain. 

In our studies of fibromyalgia, we monitored the sleep of subjects who received 30-minute massages three times a week for five weeks. We found that the fibromyalgia sufferers slept nearly an hour longer at the end of the study period than they did at the beginning and that their sleep was deeper. We also found that by increasing sleep, we could reduce substance P, a neurotransmitter that’s closely associated with pain. Fibromyalgia is a vicious cycle: The less restful sleep you get, the more substance P is emitted and the more pain you have; the more pain you have, the more difficulty you have sleeping. We were trying to use massage to break that cycle, and it was very effective.

The Mayo Clinic has also reported that massage is effective for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension. The Clinic also reports that some studies have found massage may also be helpful for anxiety, digestive disorders, fibromyalgia, headaches, insomnia, myofascial pain syndrome, soft tissue strains or injuries and temporomandibular joint pain.


As massage has health benefits over and above relaxation, it forms a part of the wellness plan developed for each guest of The Banyans. In our full packages, massage is scheduled for a minimum of three days per week for every guest with the option to increase this inclusion.


Whether overworked professionals need to refocus and rejuvenate, or the use of substances is beginning to cause concern, The Banyans provides Australia’s newest and most comprehensive health and wellness experience in a luxury residence.

With the comfort of an Australian location, and being supported by Australian qualified practitioners, The Banyans provides a recovery opportunity through a private luxury wellness residence.

Designed for integrated restoration, and with an expert team of therapists, health practitioners and wellness coaches, The Banyans Health and Wellness Residence is a place where body and soul prosper in an environment of rest, wellness and inspired living.

Call us now on 1300 BANYAN (1300 226 926) or complete an online contact for a confidential discussion about how you or someone you care about can benefit from The Banyans.

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Short-term accommodation, respite & therapy with allied health practitioners. Working together with participants & their support teams to achieve program goals.

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