Now’s the time to love yourself inside out

Give yourself permission to prioritise your health and happiness with The Banyans personalised Weight Management Program. Empower yourself with our industry-leading team of health practitioners to recalibrate your relationship with food and your body.

Rediscover your true self and start living your fullest life.

Science-backed program with personalised testing

One-on-one sessions & empowering environment

Long-term support – up to 6 months

A program individually tailored to you

The Banyans science-backed Weight Management program is designed to suit your lifestyle, schedule, health and body type. Combining full therapeutic support across pillars of nutrition, movement and psychology*, the Program delivers a multidisciplinary approach for effective and sustainable results. You will receive a personalised nutrition and movement plan which is clear, simple, and designed to help you reach your weight management goals.

*Psychology available as add-on for 3-month Program, or standard with 6-Month Program.

Woman attending The Banyans weight management program

No more trend diets – cement sustainable change through long-term support

We all know the benefits of healthy eating and exercise, but managing weight successfully comes down to personalised treatment and the right support. Work with our industry-leading clinicians to translate the science, be supported through the behavioural change process, and form new lifestyle habits.

The Banyans Weight Management Program is tailored to you

Feel empowered in a private, non-judgemental and ‘real life’ environment

Develop trusting relationships with our experienced and compassionate health practitioners in private, one-on-one sessions*. By attending the program one session per week for three months, you’ll be able to put your new skills into practice in a ‘real-life’ environment.

*Yoga therapy sessions are conducted in an intimate group environment


Weight Management is not a diet. Instead, it’s the habitual use of behavioural, lifestyle and dietary strategies to support a healthy weight. More importantly, the effective management of weight will reduce the likelihood of disease and disability, leading to a longer, healthier life.

The Banyans Weight Management Program focuses on a personalised and holistic approach, focusing on you and your goals – not just the number on the scale. Be supported by a multidisciplinary team of industry-leading health practitioners, including; a nutritionist/dietitian, GP, psychologist*, exercise physiologist and yoga therapist.

Feel empowered to reach your health goals in a private and non-judgemental environment.



Hear from The Banyans Weight Management Program’s Clinical Nutritionist, Tammy Spiller, below to find out more.


What is a Weight Management Program?

Who is it for?

What will I achieve?


This program focuses on a holistic and personalised approach where the focus is on you and your goals – not just the number on the scale.

Meet Your Team

The program offers access to a multidisciplinary care team, including General Practitioner, Nutritionist / Dietitian, Exercise Physiologist, Yoga Therapist and *Psychologist. 

*Psychologist sessions available as add-on for 3-Month Program or standard with 6 Month Program

Tammy Spiller, Clinical Nutritionist

This program is co-led by Tammy Spiller. Tammy is an experienced Clinical Nutritionist, accredited Metabolic Balance® practitioner, member of the Australasian Natural Therapists Association, an associate member of the Australian Society of Lifestyle Medicine, and holds a Bachelor of Health Science in Nutritional Medicine.

Through understanding how nutritious meals can work with their bodies, not against them, Tammy is passionate about collaborating with clients to make food their friend.

Tammy Spiller, Clinical Nutritionist at The Banyans

Emily Ghaiyed, Dietitian

This program is co-led by Emily Ghaiyed. Emily is a Masters-qualified nutritionist, dietitian and credentialled eating disorder clinician and utilises Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) when working with patients.

Encouraging patients to enjoy and eat delicious food, she aims to remove barriers to good nutrition and work with her patients to understand how nutrition can play its part in reducing symptoms and improving health. Emily loves being part of a multidisciplinary team that sees patients feel at home in their bodies again and helps them to achieve optimum health.

Emily Ghaiyed, Dietitian at The Banyans

Program Benefits

  • Science-backed with personalised metabolic testing and plan
  • Make sustainable lifestyle habits for long-term results
  • Effective weight management for a longer, healthier life
  • Be supported for up to 6 months to establish ongoing lifestyle change
  • An individualised plan tailored to your health, lifestyle and social circumstances
  • Develop trusting relationships with degree-qualified, industry-leading health practitioners
  • Private, non-judgemental, and ‘real life’ environment
  • One-on-one sessions* where the focus is on you
  • Holistic approach and multidisciplinary team
  • Combines both diet and movement strategies for weight management
  • Flexible program structure to suit your lifestyle. Attend one day per week for 3 months
  • All health practitioners conveniently under one roof, reducing time and travel needs
  • Enjoy luxury facilities and amenities
  • Centrally located in close to Brisbane’s CBD


*Yoga therapy sessions facilitated in an intimate group environment


Feel empowered to reach your health goals in a private, non-judgmental, and ‘real-life’ environment

Who is Suited to this Program

This program supports anyone facing a health challenge around their weight, whether that be gaining or losing weight, struggling with hormonal issues, or looking to live a longer, healthier life.

To start the journey, you’ll begin with an initial nutrition/dietetic assessment to determine your suitability for the program. This will be followed up by a GP appointment and pathology assessment.

Our science-backed Weight Management Program has been designed to support individuals who struggle with the following:


  • Weight management
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Pre-diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Insomnia or sleep apnoea
  • Menopause or perimenopause
Woman engaging The Banyans Weight Management Program

What is Metabolic Balance®?

If suitable for you, The Banyans Weight Management Program will utilise the science-backed Metabolic Balance® personalised nutrition plan as part of your program. Developed in Germany, this program provides you with an individual plan for your optimum wellness to achieve long-term, vibrant health and weight loss.

Your Metabolic Balance® dietary plan is developed from your current lab data and health information. The plan assists you in adjusting your current daily eating habits by following a healthy, balanced and tailored strategy that fits your individual profile.

Read more about the program via the official Metabolic Balance® website.

Metabolic Balance may be prescribed for your weight management program

Program Inclusions


3-Month Program

Nutrition / Dietetics Consultations
General Practitioner Consultation
Exercise Physiology Consultations
Metabolic Balance® Pathology Test
Specialist Nutrition & Pathology Testing*
A tailored meal plan and exercise plan
Yoga Therapy

Each of our program inclusions has been intentionally designed to provide you with the most comprehensive understanding of your health, coping mechanisms, performance, and goals.

An initial assessment will inform how each practitioner will tailor their sessions based on where you are now and where you want to be. The different perspectives each practitioner provides and their specialities add to our wrap-around healthcare approach.

See below for more information about each program inclusion, their benefits and what you will take away from each session.


* Psychology available as upgrade for 3-month program, or standard with 6-month program

*Specialist Nutrition & Pathology Testing available as upgrade.

On arrival, every patient attends a consultation with one of our trusted general practitioners. GPs ensure patients are in a safe and stable state for the commencement of their programs and provide guidance regarding any other relevant concerns. Our GP will assess your medical history and program suitability and identify treatment for any concomitant conditions prior to engaging the program.

The program will be delivered by your Clinical Nutritionist/Dietitian, who will be your concierge for all of your clinical support and health management throughout the program.

Your Clinical Nutritionist / Dietitian will conduct an initial screening for clinical history, measurements, and pathology tests prior to commencement of the program. They will then discuss the dietary intervention and assess the following:

  • Current eating practices
  • Weight history
  • Clinical and medication history
  • Motivators and readiness for change
  • Social and environmental support
  • Physical ability
  • Measurements and Bioelectrical Impedence Analysis (BIA)

Providing nutritional education for health beyond weight loss, they will also facilitate goal setting with you, enabling you to reach your health goals.

Psychology is the science of understanding how people think, feel, behave, and learn. When it comes to weight management, psychology plays an important role in emotional eating. Your psychologist will work with you to develop individualised strategies and address influences on your food choices.

As a type of treatment, psychology can take many different approaches, as guided by your therapist. These approaches may include:

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)
Positive psychology
Performance-based psychology
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
Psychodynamic therapy and more
A typical psychology session is founded in conversation between the patient and therapist. Depending on the psychological approach, you may also complete a number of activities, imagery exercises or meditations.

Benefits of psychology

The purpose of psychology at The Banyans is to help you better understand your thoughts, behaviours and circumstances. It is also oriented to finding solutions to your problems. A significant portion of your psychological treatment will be focused on developing realistic, healthy and practical strategies for the future.

Your exercise physiologist will design an individual exercise plan for each patient – considering your current level of physical fitness, mobility, flexibility and other existing conditions. Adapting the appropriate level of physical activity throughout the course, the program will begin with low grade movement and heart rate. 

Stretching, twisting and weight-bearing exercises help the body to function effectively, allowing it to eliminate toxins and promote wellness. When breathing and mindfulness techniques are incorporated into the practice the nervous system becomes calmer.

The physical benefits of yoga also include increased muscle tone and core strength, which is important as we age. Yoga can reduce your risk of injury, help with managing stress, along with increased concentration, strength, flexibility, stamina and balance.

6-Month Program

As you approach the end of your 3-month program, you may find that you will benefit from a further period of support. The 6-month program includes everything from the 3-month program, with the addition of psychological support as standard.

Program Upgrades

For an additional charge, you can add on any of the following packages to boost your program results.


  • Dutch Test (Hormones)
  • DNA Health
  • Microba – Gut Microbiome Testing

  • x3 sessions or,
  • x5 sessions

Luxury Facilities

The Banyans Health Plus is based in Bowen Hills, Brisbane, located a stone’s throw from the Brisbane CBD. With consultation rooms for your one-on-one appointments, a beautiful lounge complete with a kitchenette and workspaces, industry-equipped gym, a yoga studio and private ensuites with luxurious amenities, The Banyans Health Plus provides everything you are looking for in a program.



You will receive 1 session a week for 12 weeks (3-month program), or one session per week for 24 weeks (6-month program).

If there is sufficient notice provided, then we should be able to reschedule. It may be appropriate the following week to have two sessions back-to-back provided your clinicians are available.

If a personal matter has arisen, please speak directly to the nutritionist/dietitian and arrangements can be discussed. Day-to-day issues are a part of life and one of the challenges each of us faces when making choices about what to eat. These issues can provide an opportunity to practice the skills and strategies covered in the sessions. Please note it is recommended that the program be completed sequentially.

The program is delivered at The Banyans Health Plus luxury facilities in Bowen Hills, Brisbane. Some follow-on appointments with the nutritionist/dietitian may be held online, however, exercise physiology, yoga and your GP appointment will need to take place in person.

Metabolic Balance® is a personalised plan based on your pathology and medical history. Developed in Germany in 2002 by a medical team and nutrition scientists, it is updated continually to account for advances in medical nutrition. The plan is based on your pathology tests, and biological markers – collating foods that will be low inflammatory, low glycaemic, and readily digestible for you.

Many recent studies have identified that what we believe are healthy foods (for example, sweet potato) can have very different health responses in any two individuals. That is, sweet potato may not impact some individual’s blood glucose, but will for others. The result is an increased risk for disorders related to blood glucose, such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome or increased cardiovascular risk. Unlike many programs, Metabolic Balance® is based entirely on food-based nutrition, with no meal replacements. It has been shown to be particularly effective for those with increased cardiovascular risk, metabolic syndrome and hormone-related weight management issues.

The program includes seven support appointments because we also know from research that support by a qualified practitioner is more likely to result in long-term health changes.

This program supports anyone facing a health challenge around their weight, whether that be gaining or losing weight, struggling with hormonal issues, or looking to live a longer, healthier life. You’ll begin with an initial nutrition/dietetic assessment to determine your suitability for the program. This will be followed up by a GP appointment and pathology assessment.

Our science-backed Weight Management Program has been designed to support individuals who struggle with the following:

  • Weight management
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Pre-diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Insomnia or sleep apnoea
  • Menopause or perimenopause

No. We are a self-referral facility which means you don’t need a referral from a practitioner. We have our own team of GPs, psychiatrists and other professionals who will assess each person before commencing a mental health program.However, we do accept referrals from GPs, psychiatrists, and other professionals. If your treating practitioner would like to provide a referral, they can do so here.

The Weight Management Day Program is available on a Monday and Tuesday, excluding public holidays. Appointments for these sessions are generally between 9am and 5pm.

Guests engaging the 6-Month Program can have the option of coupling appointments which means they don’t have to come in weekly, should they choose.

Many people who choose to do our Weight Management Day Program already have a treating team – whether that be a psychologist, psychiatrist, GP or another practitioner. The difference about the Weight Management Day program is the coordinated approach to treatment. Each practitioner has their own specialties and offer a unique perspective to help you address your mental health. Our team also have regular case coordination meetings to ensure your needs, goals and progress are being addressed.

Unfortunately, very little of your program at The Banyans Health Plus may be covered by private health insurance. Our program is not a hospital, and private health insurance does not currently cover private treatment or recovery facilities in Australia.

Be supported long term to make effective, habitual change with our 3-month Weight Management Program which starts at $5,500 inc GST.


“Each aspect of the scientifically researched program is individually tailored to suit your health, body type and lifestyle.”



Be supported long term to make effective, habitual change with our 3-month Weight Management Program which starts at $5,500 inc GST.




To further enhance your results with a multidisciplinary approach, psychology may be added to your program at

x3 sessions for $675 inc GST

x5 sessions for $1,125 inc GST


Specialist Nutrition & Pathology Testing

In addition to your Metabolic Balance® pathology testing, which is offered as standard in your program, guests may add-on further functional testing to their program where recommended.

Dutch Test (Hormones): $399 inc GST

DNA Health, incl. tests, interpretation & summary (1 panel): $300 inc GST

Microba gut microbiome testing: $349 inc GST

Next Steps

The next step is to complete an Intake Assessment which generally takes between 20 to 30 minutes. This assessment asks questions about your medical history, goals for the program and details about your previous weight loss attempts. After submitting your Intake Assessment, our Nutrition Team will review this assessment and will then be in contact with your suitability for the program and the next steps.