We Are Not Meant To Do Life Alone
At The Banyans, one of the models we are proud to use is the Integrated Wellness Approach of the National Wellness Institute co-founder Dr. Bill Hettler. As outlined in our previous blog post, the dimensions of wellness according to this model are physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, financial, protectoral, nutritional, occupational, financial, and social wellness. We have so far discussed the four of these dimensions, physical wellness, emotional wellness, environmental wellness, and intellectual wellness. The focus of this blog post is another important dimension of wellness: social wellness.
According to The University of California, social wellness refers to “one’s ability to interact with people around them. It involves using good communication skills, having meaningful relationships, respecting yourself and others, and creating a support system that includes family members and friends”. Essentially, social wellness is about having positive relationships and being able to maintain them in a healthy way.
For many, the concept of social wellness may be a new one. It may even seem counterintuitive, because many aspects of wellness are internally focused. Social wellness, on the other hand, is geared towards outward connections. It involves both the quantity and quality of our relationships. Simply put, it’s not just about how many people we know. We need to feel a meaningful connection from our relationships.
There is a wide body of research demonstrating the value of social connectedness. According to The Mayo Clinic, emotional benefits of having a strong social network include developing a sense of belonging, improved self-esteem, and a feeling of security. Social connectedness also impacts our physical well-being. Studies have shown that meaningful relationships help people recover from physical ailments, such as major surgical operations, faster than those who are isolated.
The effects of social isolation have also been researched thoroughly. Many different studies have demonstrated that social isolation has a profoundly negative impact on an individual’s health. People who lack meaningful relationships are at higher risk for depression, heart disease, and strokes. Social isolation also increases an individual’s risk of mortality by 29% even when controlling for factors such as age and illness. Furthermore, a lack of social connection has been demonstrated to be a greater detriment to health than obesity, smoking, and high blood pressure.
It is clear that humans have a need for meaningful connection with others; we are not meant to do life alone. This is one of the reasons why The Banyans has several common areas for guests to socialise and connect with each other while luxury, private bedrooms and ensuites guard our guest’s privacy for when they need it most.
How a wellness program can improve your social wellness
At The Banyans, we understand that the skills necessary for social wellness do not always come easily or naturally. Many of us lack the skills to create and sustain healthy relationships, or to repair broken ones. This is why we have put together an expert team of therapists, health practitioners and wellness coaches to help our guests find healing and wholeness for their mind, body, and soul. Our team includes addiction specialist Dr. Christian Rowan, senior psychologist Peter Hayton, and psychiatrist and EGALA-certified therapist Dr. Anja Kriegeskotten. Each guest will leave The Banyans feeling more equipped to grow the important relationships in their life.
Designed for integrated restoration, and with an expert team of addiction medicine specialists, therapists, health practitioners and wellness coaches, The Banyans Health and Wellness Residence is a place where body and soul prosper in an environment of rest, wellness, and inspired living.
Call us now on 1300 BANYAN (1300 226 926) or email [email protected] for a confidential discussion about how you or someone you care about can benefit from The Banyans.