Choosing to commence the journey to recovery is a very courageous step, and we commend you for beginning the process. The Banyans Health and Wellness understands that the pre-arrival phase can be confronting for many people, as well their loved ones.
A private, confidential discussion with one of our friendly intake team can help you to understand why The Banyans is Australia’s best therapeutic treatment options and how we can help you regain the fullness of life. Call us on +61 1300 BANYAN (1300 226 926) to engage in a non-obligatory discussion.
A phone consultation with one of our senior clinical team allows us to tailor a program to your unique needs and experiences. This process underpins the therapeutic approach of your treatment program to ensure you achieve long-lasting results. Programs are designed by our Clinical Director, with the advice of an Addiction Medicine Specialist and Lead Psychiatrist Dr Anja Kriegeskotten.
Based on your unique experience and needs, our team of multidisciplinary professionals will work collaboratively to create a tailored wellness plan and therapeutic program for you. You will also be provided with a recommended length of stay, program cost estimate and a referral for private hospital medical detox if necessary.
Prior to arriving at The Banyans Health and Wellness Residence, some of our therapeutic team and wellness coaches will be in contact to help you prepare for your arrival. For some people, this stage may also include a short pre-arrival program or private hospital stay where a medically-supported detox is necessary for your safety.
The Banyans Health and Wellness does not require a referral from a current treating practitioner. We are a self-admission facility, however encourage guests to seek medical advice and support.
Choosing to commence the journey to recovery is a very courageous step, and we commend you for beginning the process.